Though initially I was planning on writing the content for the subject matter below, I came to my senses, as it were, and determined it would be best to direct your attention to other's writings. Their works far surpass anything I could produce or articulate. And all, as pronounced by them, is to the Glory of God. So the links below will connect to multiple men and their study on a particular subject.
Inspiration is the doctrine that explains the means and extent of the Bible being the Word of God.
"The inerrancy of Scripture means that Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact" (Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, page 90).
Canonicity refers to the process by which books of the Bible were recognized as Scripture. When considering canonicity it must first be noted that the Bible is self-authenticating and individuals or church councils have only recognized those books which are Scripture.
If people are going to understand the Word of God, then Bible translations are essential. Translation involves seeking the most accurate rendering of the original language manuscripts into our own language. However, only the original manuscripts are inspired - not translations. God has maintained the integrity of the original through sovereignly bringing about the transmission of the original through scribal copying.
Note: There are many more translations than listed above. When choosing what bible to utilize, use discernment. You want what is the closest to the original languages and not someones opinion of what it says (paraphrase).
Illumination refers to the Holy Spirit's ministry as He works in the believer to bring spiritual understanding, enabling us to perceive spiritual truth, and heart application of Scripture (John 7:17; John 16:12-15; 1 John 2:20). Because of illumination, any believer, by depending on the Holy Spirit and using the proper rules of interpretation, can study the scriptures for his own growth and edification, and lead others to salvation in Christ.