It has been said many times before, that to learn something that sticks with you, you must first learn it yourself and then teach it to someone else. Our first teacher must be the Spirit of God. And as we're faithful to our calling ( 2 Timothy 2:2), we will then pass it on. This is called discipleship and is one of Jesus' ways for us to grow in our faith. I have attempted to put together information here on this site for those desiring to grow in their faith. There are many links to Pastors and Teachers that are more equipped then I to pass along the wisdom from the word. I hope that it will be helpful to you in your walk of faith with Jesus.
Being taught in public school in New York that we came about by evolutionary processes, I bought into this explanation. I considered myself an atheist and when joining the Navy on my 18th birthday insisted that they put this on my dog tags. I drank as a teenager but didn't get involved in drugs until I joined the Navy (March 1971). I then experimented with marijuana, speed, and LSD. I deployed overseas twice and did what every other sailor did in a foreign port.
I was introduced to my future wife by my future father-in-law, with whom I worked with while in the Navy. He invited me home to meet his 'family'! One look at this brown eyed and long brown-haired beauty of his daughter and I was smitten. A term Ginger used to explain what happened! We were married on March 1, 1975 and the marriage was not going well as I still drank, smoked dope and went out with my single buddies. I was discharged from the Navy in January 1979 and eventually landed a job with the U.S. Postal Service in July of that year. Our first daughter, Amber, was born in August.
Sometime in 1980 we received a knock on our door on a Saturday morning. We started studying with an older couple that were Jehovah's Witnesses. Being that I was on the overtime desired list at the Post Office, I worked overtime 4 nights a week, one day of the weekend, and holidays. It was an Easter Sunday that a Christian lady that was next to me throwing mail, shared the gospel. I told her about us meeting with the JW's and she got a membership for me to the Bread of Life ministry (A house with wall-to-wall bookcases filled with Christian cassette tapes) and recommended that I listen to a tape message by Walter Martin, specifically speaking on John 1:1. After listening to this I brought it up with the JW's and the answer they gave seemed to me to be dishonest. I told them that that is not what the passage says and if they were not going to be honest that they could leave. Soon thereafter Ginger met a Christian girl at college that invited her to church and she soon became a believer in Jesus (January 1981).
After a while I started attending Oxnard Baptist Temple in Oxnard, California with her as well as Sunday School classes. The associate pastor had conversations with me and recommended that I read a book that he provided called Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell. As I was brought to face that evolutionary thought was full of holes and that there was a God, I said 'Alright God, if you're there, take away these cigarettes from me'. Being a three pack a day smoker I had tried to quit and failed before. The next day I awoke and had no desire to reach for a smoke (the first thing you do getting up) nor have I had since. I justified this to myself and chalked it up to my will. But God had chosen me to be His and His church was praying for me. I recall the Pastor, Ed Rothenburger asking me each Sunday whether I was saved yet!
Wrestling with what I was learning at church and God leaning on my conscience, I finally gave into Him and asked for His forgiveness in October 1981. My walk with the Lord has not been without its ups and downs, due to my self-sufficiency (supposed!) but since being retired and God's faithfulness in answering prayer I am seeking Him above all else.
As we moved to different locations we've prayed and looked for a church that believes and teaches God's word. I've served in multiple ministries; tape ministry, website, greeting, Evangelism Explosion. We are currently members of Fellowship Bible Church in McGregor TX.
A scripture that means a lot to me is: 2 Timothy 2:15