
Anthropology is the study, or doctrine of Man.

The study of man, how he came to be, his purpose for being, his disobedience to his Maker, the possibility of his reconciliation to his Maker (Salvation) and the consummation of all things.

These are questions that God has supplied answers to in His written Word; the Bible. Those that rely on their own 'wisdom' have come up with many theories and conjectures on how man came to be. The most prominent of these is evolution, a theory that has been promulgated for over a century and a half in our schools, via the media (books and movies), even in our churches (i.e. theistic evolution). However, with every scientific discovery, evolution is shown to be without any foundation whatsoever.

The Bible on the other hand has been shown to be accurate in geographical, scientific, and historical realms utilizing archeology and real science - The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

Man was created by God. Genesis 1:1, 26. He was created in the image of God as contrasted to the animals. This is not God's physical image, as God is Spirit and encompasses all of the universe (creation). Man was created with the ability to think, a will to act upon or not to act upon that endowment, and a morality. Man, before he fell, was without defect in any way and displayed God's attributes of love, truthfulness, holiness, etc.

The Fall of Man.

Man decided by his will to disobey God's explicit instruction Genesis 3:8-13. God has the prerogative to dictate what is allowed and disallowed by His position as the Sovereign of the universe. This disobedience is called sin. The entire Bible speaks of man's sin and God's provision for it. Mans' will is now bound by his sin nature and man is incapable of responding to God without God's intervention. 1 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 3:10-12.

Man was told that he who sins, he will die. Genesis 2:17; Ezekiel 18:20 This speaks of an individual's immediate spiritual death, though physical death was also an eventual result of sin. Ephesians 2:1-2

The Fall's Effect on Creation

Learn about Hamartiology - The Study of Sin.